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We focus briefly on the word ‘Grow.’ When we plant a sapling, we contribute to its growth. We water it, manure it and protect it from weed and insect attack. But no matter how much you stretch or pull the plant, it does not grow according to our will or plan. We only end up hurting it. In God’s plan of creation, it grows as designated by God. But we contribute to its growth by taking care of it. We protect it because we love it, cherish it and want it grow healthy and strong. The same could be applied for growing in Faith. 

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) defines faith in the following words, “Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us, and that Holy Church proposes for our belief, because he is truth itself. By faith "man/ woman freely commits his/her entire self to God."(CCC 1814) On a personal note, I would like to say that faith goes beyond ordinary belief. I can believe in many things which have a proof of existence. For instance, it rains from the clouds- It is proved scientifically! Plants prepare food for themselves with the help of sunlight, etc. But Faith goes beyond ordinary belief.
It is a Faith experience that leads me to believe in things not visible to my ordinary eyes. It is faith that leads me to a conviction of the presence and the protection of God. It is faith that leads to miracles unproven by science. Faith is indeed nurtured. Just like a sapling or a baby, faith needs to be nurtured. Therefore Growing in faith through the usage of Media could be elaborated in three processes, using the analogy of the sapling.
So, while faith grows through experience, 
We water it and nourish it through the Eucharist, Sacraments and the Liturgy. 

We manure it in different ways- one among these ways is Mass Media (Bible, Prayer Books, and Spiritual Audio-visuals). 
And just like you protect your plant from worm attack and don’t allow anything to eat it or attack it- You should not allow anything against your faith to eat you up. This entails vices that can crop us through indiscreet use of media like Books and videos on Porn, addiction to programmes that are unhealthy on Television and the misuse of the internet. 

Taking the above three points, the watering, nourishing and manuring begins from our birth. Our parents water and manure our faith by taking us to Church, teaching us prayers and Catechism. The Priests, Religious Sisters and Catechists further empower the nourishment by teaching us the importance of the liturgy and the sacraments. So, initially the seeds of faith are sown by all those around us. This is done to enhance our own faith experience. The prayers, sacraments, Liturgy, the written word of God are ways and means through which our loved ones help us to deepen our faith experience. Well, now you may ask me, “OK, so where is media involved?” Surprisingly, the usage of media is although. The Holy Scriptures are preserved and circulated in the form of the Holy Book – The Bible. It is an eternal Best seller. We are taught prayers initially by our parents and then later on by using ‘Prayer Books.’ We motivate our faith and our spirituality by reading good books, listening to spiritual music and watching Good videos. Movies like ‘The Passion of Christ, Mary of Nazareth, etc have touched the lives and hearts of many. So, Media does contribute to the nurturing of faith. Media contributes to witnessing of faith. Media contributes to broadening our perspectives and deepening our knowledge in aspects of faith. (For e.g. Books like Catechism of the Catholic Church, The new Jerome Biblical Commentary, Catechism for first Holy Communion/ Confirmation, etc.)

And finally, we come to a simple yet very important point and that is protecting the sapling. As we are talking about the growth of our own faith, it is not only parents, but we ourselves who are responsible for the growth of our own faith. CCC 1700 says “By his deliberate actions the human person does, or does not, conform to the good promised by God and attested by moral conscience. Human beings make their own contribution to their interior growth; they make their whole sentient and spiritual lives into means of this growth.”

Media is a vast source of Data which can be accessed at the click of a button. Today, you don’t need cyber cafes or computers at home to access the internet as you can access them on your cell phone. We can access any kind of data, i.e. good or bad. It is so easy to be attracted towards sites or videos on You tube or for that matter any harmful Web-site, websites with violence-promoting tips and techniques, highly radical religious views. Etc. 
Vatican Council II stressed in this point with regards to youth and the usage of media in and through ‘Intermirifica’, “Young ones are encouraged to practise moderation and self control and with guidance from experts and teachers learn to make sound judgments.” Listen to the voice of your conscience. The moment your fingers go towards media usage that is evil or not good for your soul, there is a tiny feeling of fear and a gentle voice that tells you that what you are doing is not right. One must not kill that voice. Rather, the faintest element of fear in one’s heart that the website one is entering is vulgar or inappropriate one must make a strong determination to go away from the site or temporarily shut down the computer and lose oneself in another activity. As CCC says 1713 Man/ Woman is obliged to follow the moral law, which urges him "to do what is good and avoid what is evil" (cf. GS 16). This law makes itself heard in his conscience.

What are the other ways that one can enrich one’s faith? 
One’s faith is enriched not only by protecting oneself from harm through media but also by catering to its growth through a healthy use of media. Faith not only entails growing in faith, it also entails witnessing to faith in and through our actions. CCC 1815 says: The gift of faith remains in one who has not sinned against it. But "faith apart from works is dead" when it is deprived of hope and love, faith does not fully unite the believer to Christ and does not make him a living member of his Body. It further says in CCC 2472 that the duty of Christians to take part in the life of the Church impels them to act as witnesses of the Gospel and of the obligations that flow from it. This witness is a transmission of the faith in words and deeds. Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known.

All this theology can be simplified in a simple yet beautiful song that says, “You are the ONLY JESUS someone will ever see. Yours could be the ONLY WORDS OF LIFE someone will ever read.” So how then can we use media to witness to faith?” We don’t need to all become big preachers; we may not need to run far and wide, all we need to have is a simple disposition to be good and to do good. It may be a small word, a kind gesture, a loving look of concern, a timely help. And as another song says, And they will know we are Christians by our love. by our love yes they will know we are Christians by our love. 

Here are a few tips at witnessing which are very simple and practical. These have been enlisted along with quotes from CCC to not only live our lives but have a peep also into the CCC in relation to our actions.

1) If you are a blogger, tweeter, or a social networking fan, then use your blog for good reading material. At least once in a while let your Blog proclaim His name. As the pope says, “In the world of the internet, which enables billions of images to appear on millions of screens throughout the world, the face of Christ needs to be seen and his voice heard, for “if there is no room for Christ, there is no room for man”. (Benedict XVI, Verbum Domini, 113.) Or for instance, on special days, lets his picture appear on your Facebook or Twitter wishing people around you. Small ways in which you can thank Jesus for all that he has done for you.

2) We have a lot of time to listen to music, make it a point that at least when you begin your day, begin with one prayer song or devotional hymn. Surrender your day to Jesus. And conclude your day with Him as well.

3) Do not entertain pornography books. At least once in a day, make it a habit to read the Bible or the reading of the day. This is made easier with books like the mini Bible Diary that can be easily carried for the readings of the day or best still a passage from the New Testament. If you have the internet on your cell. You could easily access the internet for the Word of God.

4) Let us witness to our faith in the use of cell phones. Have a kind word to say if you feel someone looked sad or dull. From now on let us avoid forwarding vulgar, sex, and filthy jokes. Forward only good and clean SMSes. 

5) Be cautious with your use of cell phone. Avoid gossip, maligning, eve teasing and other sorts of Phone Harassment. If someone trusts you with their secret then don’t leak it or spread it. Be trustworthy!

6) Let us use internet ethics. Avoid F’s and B’s on public forums like Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, etc. At times these sites become places for vengeance and encouragement of wrong trends. It also becomes a place to vent anger, frustrations and a platform to malign. 

CCC 2477 Respect for the reputation of persons forbids every attitude and word likely to cause them unjust injury.278 He becomes guilty: 
- of rash judgment who, even tacitly, assumes as true, without sufficient foundation, the moral fault of a neighbour; 
- of detraction who, without objectively valid reason, discloses another's faults and failings to persons who did not know them;279 
- of calumny who, by remarks contrary to the truth, harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgments concerning them.

7) Do not encourage Bad sites, malicious conduct. Don’t take a peek into Porn on the internet.

If you are working in communications media, you are a blogger, writer, editor, PR personnel, do not promote lies to gain. Even if it is an actor and most people like reading about them, it is wrong to write lies about their private lives or for that matter tarnish their names. 
9) Give priority to someone who wants to talk personally to you. The internet has led youngsters to become stalkers or victims of stalkers. Do not download pictures of the opposite sex without permission. Do not use them maliciously. 

10) Be honest with yourself, with others. Be gentle in handling relationships. 

The way we live, talk, walk, practise internet ethics makes a big difference to those around us. The people will notice your genuine character. They may have not read a Bible. But you are the living Bible everyone around you is reading. The world sees Jesus in you through your Words, actions and deeds! Remember that the more you witness to the Lord in your being, the more He blesses you and gives you the grace to face temptations and times of turmoil. He strengthens you and allows you to have deep faith experiences. He does not abandon you. In my own life, I have had many experiences of both books and healthy audio-visuals uplifting me. Jesus in me loves you!