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Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Friday morning in the mother church of 

the Jesuit order, the church of the Gesù, to mark the Feast of the Holy 

Name of Jesus and to give thanks for the enrollment of the first Jesuit to 

be ordained a priest, Fr Peter Faber SJ, in the list of the saints.

In his homily, Pope Francis spoke of the particular way in which the Jesuit 

Order is marked – and desires to be signed - by the name of Jesus: “To 

march,” he said, “beneath the standard of His Cross.” Pope Francis went 

on to explain that this means sharing in and having Christ’s very own 

sentiments. “It means,” he said, “to think like Him, to love like Him, to see 

[things the way He sees them], to walk like Him – it means doing what He 

did, and with the same sentiments He had, with the sentiments of His 


Pope Francis went on to discuss the great example of his holy confrere, 

St Peter Faber, whose sainthood the Holy Father officially recognized and 

proclaimed on December 17th of last year. “Under the guidance of St. 

Ignatius,” explained Pope Francis, “[the man who would become St Peter 

Faber, SJ] learned to combine his restless - but also sweet and even,” 

said Pope Francis, “exquisite sensitivity, with the ability to make decisions: 

he was a man of great desires,” Pope Francis said, “he recognised his 

desires and he owned them. Indeed, for Faber, it is precisely in the 

moment in which difficult things are proposed, that the true spirit that 

moves to action manifests itself.” Pope Francis added, “An authentic faith 

always implies a deep desire to change the world.”
