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“What would be the advantage of believing in God?” Shibo, a young Japanese woman, asks Pope Francis. We have chosen to publish her question alongside those of other young agnostic women and non-believers who, in different parts of the world, are turning to the Pope to find an answer to the great questions of life and faith. Simple and important questions, ancient, bold, natural and unorthodox which lead to the essence of the thoughts of many of us. 

There is a thread that binds them; there is a feeling that shines in each of them: trust in a Pope who does not shy away from dialogue, who is not limited to the calls of doctrine, but who is able to enter into the heart of their concerns and issues. We believe that this confidence in Francis is true for many many women, who have listened and been consoled by his opening words, and have observed with emotion his ability to open up to the world of the humble, and most importantly, they have noted with satisfaction his intention of giving women a greater role in the Church. Women know that they find themselves in front of a pontiff who fully understands them when he said: “I suffer when I see the Church and ecclesiastical organizations reduce the service of women to a form of servitude." Francis spoke of a theology for women which makes diversity strength. He is also aware that if this does not happen it will be the Church that loses and does not grow. So it is natural that all women, and not just those that we have hosted in these pages or those, like us, who seek to keep the debate on the relationship between the Church and women alive are asking these questions. To start straight away - they have perhaps waited too long - a dialogue which Francis said he wished for with such strength and conviction. They are hoping that the Pope, who has spoken in such a profound and striking way about them and about their condition, would talk with them too. Because they have many things to say to him. And they trust in his ability to listen.