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Photo: The Sacraments

Consequently, heretics and schismatics, separated from the unity of this Body, are able to receive the same Sacrament, but with no benefit to themselves; 

indeed, more to their own harm, in that they are judged the more severely rather than being liberated. 

- St. Augustine 

For he who touches the Body of Christ unworthily receives his damnation. 

- St. Peter Chrysologus 

The Sacraments are the salvation of those who use them rightly, and the damnation of those who misuse them. 

- St. Augustine 

Cut off from the Body into which alone the graces of Christ flow, you are deprived of the benefit of all prayers, sacrifices, and Sacraments. 

- St. Edmund Campion 

It is better to be cured in the Church than to be cut off from this Body as incurable ... for, as long as the member is still attached to the Body, his cure is not beyond hope, but when he has been cut off, he can neither be treated nor cured. 

-St Augustine


Consequently, heretics and schismatics, separated from the unity of this Body, are able to receive the same Sacrament, but with no benefit to themselves; 

indeed, more to their own harm, in that they are judged the more severely rather than being liberated. 

- St. Augustine 

For he who touches the Body of Christ unworthily receives his damnation. 

- St. Peter Chrysologus 

The Sacraments are the salvation of those who use them rightly, and the damnation of those who misuse them. 

- St. Augustine 

Cut off from the Body into which alone the graces of Christ flow, you are deprived of the benefit of all prayers, sacrifices, and Sacraments. 

- St. Edmund Campion 

It is better to be cured in the Church than to be cut off from this Body as incurable ... for, as long as the member is still attached to the Body, his cure is not beyond hope, but when he has been cut off, he can neither be treated nor cured. 

-St Augustine