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(This is a prayer of deliverance. It is important to remember that 
deliverance comes only after repentance. Then, we can break 

curses based on Galatians 3:13.) Father, in the Name of Jesus......... 
I hereby forgive all other people for anything they may have done 
against me and I forgive myself for anything I have done or spoken 
against myself or others. 

I repent of any sins in my life or my ancestors lives that have resulted in a curse. I repent of all disobedience, rebellion, perversion, 
witchcraft, idolatry, lust, adultery, fornication, mistreatment of 
others, murder, cheating, lying, sorcery, divination, and occult involvement. I ask your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood 
and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
I take authority over and break any and every curse upon my life in 
the name of Jesus. I break all curses of poverty, lack, debt, destruction, sickness, death, and vagabondism. I break all curses upon my 
marriage, family, children, and relationships. I break all curses of 
rejection, rebellion, pride, lust, hurt, incest, rape, Ahab, Jezebel, 
fear, insanity, madness, and confusion. 
I break all curses affecting my spirit, soul, and body, my finances, 
sexual character, emotions, will, and relationships. 
I break every hex, vex, jinx, spell, and spoken curse over my life. I 
break every fetter, shackle, chain, cord, habit, and cycle that is a 
result of a curse. 
According to Galatians 3:13, I have been redeemed from "the curse 
of the law" by the sacrifice of Jesus. I exercise my faith in the 
name and the blood of Jesus and loose myself and my descendants 
from any and every curse. I claim forgiveness through the blood of 
Jesus for the sins of my fathers. 
All my sins have been remitted, and I loose myself from the curses 
that came as a result of all disobedience and rebellion to the Word 
of God. 
I exercise my faith, and I know that confession is made unto salvation. Therefore, I confess that Abraham's blessings are mine. I am 
not cursed but blessed. I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I 
am blessed and what God has blessed cannot be cursed. 
I command spirits of rejection, hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness, 
bondage, torment, death, destruction, fear, lust, perversion, mind 
control, witchcraft, poverty, lack, debt, confusion, doublemindedness, sickness, infirmity, pain, divorce, separation, strife, 
contention, depression, sadness, loneliness, self-pity, selfdestruction, self-rejection, anger, rage, wrath, anguish, vagabondism, abuse, and addiction to come out in the name of Jesus. 
Father, in Jesus' name, I loose myself from all relationships that are 
not ordained of God; all relationships that are not of the Spirit but 
of the flesh; all relationships based on control, domination, or manipulation; and all relationships based on lust and deception. 
In the name of Jesus, I loose all members of my body, including 
my mind, memory, eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet, and my entire 
sexual character, from all lust, perversion, sexual impurity, uncleanness, lasciviousness, promiscuity, pornography, fornication, 
homosexuality, fantasy, filthiness, burning passion, and uncontrollable sex drive. 
I loose myself from the effects of all bad memories, painful memories, and memories of the past that would hinder me in the present 
or future. 
I loose myself from all occult involvement, all sorcery, divination, 
witchcraft, psychic inheritance, rebellion, confusion, sickness, 
death and destruction as a result of occult involvement. I sever all 
communication lines between the second heaven and me in Jesus 
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the authority given to me 
to bind and loose, I loose my emotions from every evil spirits that 
have come in as a result of experiences of the past. 
I loose myself from all hurt, deep hurt, pain, sadness, grief, anger, 
hatred, rage, bitterness, fear, all bound and blocked emotions. I 
command these spirits to come out, and I decree freedom to my 
emotions in the name of Jesus. 
I loose my mind from all spirits of mind control, confusion, mental 
bondage, insanity, madness, fantasy, passivity, intellectualism, 
knowledge block, ignorance, mind blocking, lust, and evil thinking I loose myself from all guilt, shame, condemnation, selfcondemnation, self hatred, self loathing, self accusation and legalism. 
I loose my will from all control domination and manipulation from 
Satan, his demons, and other people. 
I loose myself from all lust, rebellion, stubbornness, pride, selfwill, selfishness, and anti-submissive spirits that block and hinder 
my will. I break and loose myself from all chains around my will, 
and I submit my will to the will of God. 
I hereby forgive all other people for anything they may have done 
against me and I forgive myself for anything I have done or spoken 
against myself or others. 
I break all generational curses on both sides of my family back 4 
generations, and loose myself and my seed from the effects 
thereof. I hereby break all curses standing against me in the name 
of Jesus. 
In Jesus’ name, I destroy, cancel, vacate and break any judgments I 
may have made and stated against any other person or myself including those that have been spoken against me. These judgments 
are now broken, null and void and I am free. Father, please forgive 
me for pronouncing judgment on them or myself. I leave judgment 
to You. I command all evil spirits that have come through these 
judgments to go to the feet of Jesus. Demons of the judgments, in 
the name of Jesus, GO! 
In Jesus’ name, I break the power of any curses or judgments that 
others may have spoken over me. I cancel any curses I might have 
spoken over them or myself. I cancel any ungodly vows that I may 
have made. 
Generational curses must be broken – say the following: Please 
forgive me and my ancestors for all ungodliness. I cancel, remove 
and uproot all iniquity from all my ancestors, me and my seed; 
spirit, soul and body. I command the very substance of iniquity to 
be removed from all parts of my body, soul and spirit in Jesus 
Name. I place the cross of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus between my parents and me at conception. No ancestral curses or assignments can come through the cross and the blood of Jesus, in 
Jesus Name. 
I also terminate, in Jesus’ Name, any ungodly soul ties that exist 
between any one and me. I do this spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, (sexually if it applies) and I command all 
evil spirits that have come through these soul ties to go to the feet 
of Jesus. Control spirit coming through anyone, and any associated 
demon spirits GO. Demons of the curses, in the name of Jesus, 
GO! (Stay engaged until you feel the spirits have departed.) 
Lord Jesus, I think I need some hugs. As Your child, Lord, would 
You put your arms around me and hold me, comforting, assuring, 
loving and bringing Your Truth to me about any and all relationships, so that any lies I have believed all these years can be clarified with Your truth. Your truth, Lord is what I ask. (Now just sit 
there and listen. Sometimes we hear really well, sometimes we 
don’t hear anything, but we seem to experience a peace that was 
not there before. It is obvious the Lord spoke into our spirit man 
with a healing.) 
I take my mind in my head, my mind in my heart, and my body 
memory in my muscles and organs and cast all evil imprints down 
in the name of Jesus and replace them with the mind of Christ. I 
ask for and receive the mind of Christ, pure and clean by faith. 
Thank you, Father God, Thank you, Jesus, for cleansing my mind 
and body. Fill me and renew me by the Holy Spirit. Baptize me 
with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. Lead me in the Way of Life, 
God and Messiah, by your Spirit in my spirit. Thank you, Lord, for 
your pure life in me. 
Father God, I call on breakthrough angels to release breakthrough 
in my life. I call on angels of the most High God to bring about 
divine connections and divine appointments with anyone that has 
anything to do with my destiny. I call on provision angels to release provision. I call on warring angels with swords drawn to destroy strongholds of the enemy. I call on healing angels to release 
healing in Jesus Name. AMEN AMEN AMEN