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"St. Padre Pio would spend many hours a day before the BLESSED SACRAMENT, sometimes whole nights. Some of his brothers would wake up in the middle of the night and go to the Chapel to pray. Each time they entered they would find Padre Pio on his knees in prayer before the tabernacle. Padre Pio would often tell his penitents, who waited sometimes as long as fourteen hours to go to Confession, 'What mankind lacks today is prayer.' St. Padre Pio encouraged all he knew to go to JESUS in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. He said: "A thousand years of glory in palaces of men can't be worth the sweetness of one hour spent before the LORD in the tabernacle" [Excerpt from "JESUS IS ALIVE ON EARTH" p 242] Pictured here is the Miraculously Incorrupt Body of St. Padre Pio.......he died in 1968, yet his body was found to be Incorrupt.....a Testament to JESUS TRUE PRESENCE IN THE EUCHARIST ✝ ✝ ✝