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Because of JESUS.

Beautiful is my world,
As You are here,
Beautiful is all I see,
As You are near,
Beautiful are the clouds,
Even when gray,
Beautiful is every moment
Of every day,
Beautiful are the trees,
Barren or green,
Beautiful is everything
Seen and unseen..
Yes, beautiful is my world
Because of You,
Jesus, You are all things
Beautiful and true.
You light up the sky
With sweet sunshine,
You bless every moment
With light divine,
You kiss my days
With amazing grace,
You warm my heart
With Your embrace,
You touch all things
With Your sweet love,
You whisper on earth
Of Heaven above.
Yes, beautiful is all
Seen and unseen,
As You are in all that is,
All that has been.
You are the beauty
Of every day,
You are the bliss
In my purposeful way..
Yes, beautiful is all I see,
As You are near,
Beautiful is my world, Jesus,
As You are here!
Written By : Caroline Gavin
"You are altogether beautiful, my love;
there is no flaw in you."
--Song of Solomon 4:7