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Creative love of the Father: (Father and Mother)
God created this world out of love for human beings. Just as a pregnant mother prepares the cradle, readies herself with medicine and other necessary things before the birth of the child so also God Father first conceived human race in his mind, fashioned the cradle of the universe, designed the world with all the necessary things and then created the man and the woman in his own image and likeness. It is sheer out of love that he created the world.
Redemptive love of the Son: (Brother)
God the Son reformed the world through his passion, death and the resurrection. This redemptive love was meant for all but especially for those who strayed away from the love of God. He went in search of the least, the lost and the last in the society. His love broke the barriers of division and builds the bridges of love among people, social groups and religious compartments.
Sanctifying love of the Spirit: (Friend)
In the beginning when God created the world the Spirit of the Lord hovering over the waters. It is the same Spirit that sanctified the kings, the priests and the prophets who led the people of God. He sanctified the Apostles and sent them on a mission. He still continues to sanctify the world through the Sacraments.