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Thank You Jesus for loving us unconditional, for Your mercy towards us. Thank You Jesus for life itself. Jesus we rejoice and give You praise for You deserve all praise and worship, as if we do not Praise You Jesus the walls will, so let our voice be lifted up to You as we praise Your name most High, for Your name is blessed, Holy and Mighty. You are Lord, our Savior, our Healer, our Comforter, our Joy. Thank You Jesus for all that You have given us and thank You when we pray for something and it is not done our way as we believe that it will be given to us Your way which is for sure more beautiful. Jesus help us in sad moments, when pain and sickness struck us, give us the courage to handle all with love for YOU, and teach us to look at the cross You carried for our sins, so that we too learn to carry our cross and hand it over to YOU. Jesus we trust all into You hands, for we know we have given all into the hands of our Lord, the lover of our soul. Jesus my wonderful Lord, I trust all in Your Hands.