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Pope Francis: “God gets close to our wounds and heals them with his hands. And to actually have hands He became man. So God saves us not only by decree: He saves us with tenderness and with caresses. He saves us with His life for us.” 

Photo: Pope Francis: “God gets close to our wounds and heals them with his hands. And to actually have hands He became man. So God saves us not only by decree: He saves us with tenderness and with caresses. He saves us with His life for us.” 

Homily at Santa Marta, October 22, 2013
Read the full homily:

Guercino. Christ and the Samaritan Woman, detail. Ca. 1619–20. Kimbell Art Museum, USA.

Guercino. Christ and the Samaritan Woman, detail. Ca. 1619–20. Kimbell Art Museum, USA.