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Teach me wisdom and knowledge,
For in your commands I trust.

Photo: Psalms 119 (118)

Teach me wisdom and knowledge,
For in your commands I trust.

You are good and do what is good; 
teach me your laws.

May your love comfort me 
in accord with your promise to your servant.

Show me compassion that I may live, 
for your teaching is my delight.

I will never forget your precepts; 
through them you give me life.

I am yours; save me, 
for I cherish your precepts. 

Ukrainian icon: King David

You are good and do what is good; 
teach me your laws.

May your love comfort me 
in accord with your promise to your servant.

Show me compassion that I may live, 
for your teaching is my delight.

I will never forget your precepts; 
through them you give me life.

I am yours; save me, 
for I cherish your precepts. 

Ukrainian icon: King David