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Dear friends, let us pray together for all brothers and sisters who have been victims of natural disasters, war, human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Let us pray together, our prayers will have powerful results.
Let us ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots (whose devotion was significantly promoted by the then Archishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., long before he became Pope).

SHORT Unfailing NOVENA To The Virgin Mary Untier of Knots


Dear friends, let us pray together for all brothers and sisters who have been victims of natural disasters, war, human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Let us pray together, our prayers will have powerful results.
Let us ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots (whose devotion was significantly promoted by the then Archishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., long before he became Pope).

SHORT Unfailing NOVENA To The Virgin Mary Untier of Knots

    Prayer to the Virgin Mary as Untier of Knots

    Holy Mary, full of the presence of God, during your life
    you accepted with great humility the holy will of the father
    and the legacy of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and evil
    never dared to entangle you with its confusion. Since then
    you have interceded for all of our difficulties as you did
    at the wedding feast of Cana. With all simplicity and with
    patience, you have given us an example of how to untangle
    the knots in our complicated lives. By being our mother
    forever you arrange and make clear the path that unites us
    to Our Lord.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God and ours, with your maternal heart,
    untie the knots that upset our lives. We ask you to receive
    into your hands (here mention your prayer request) and
    deliver us from the chains and confusion that restrain us.
    Blessed Virgin Mary, through your grace, your intercession
    and by your example, deliver us from evil, and untie the
    knots that keep us from being united to God. So that free
    of all confusion and error, we may find him in all things,
    keep him in our hearts, and serve him always in our
    brothers and sisters. Mother of Good Counsel pray for us.

We begin with our daily prayers, making  the Sign of the Cross and praying the Act of Contrition so that God will enter our hearts, and he will brings us near  to the Virgin Mary.

Act of Contrition

            O my God, I am heartily sorry for
            having offended you, and I detest
            all my sins, because of Your just
            punishments, but most of all because
            they offend You, my God, who are
            all-good and deserving of all my love.
            I firmly resolve, with the help of
            Your grace, to sin no more and to
            avoid the near occasion of sin.

Blessed Virgin Mary, the one who unties the knots, in marriage, in people and of  nations, I offer you this novena
requesting the follo-wing intentions:

(mention here the favors that you wish to obtain) 

Please find the full text of the Novena here:

Nada obsta a la Fe y Moral católicas para su publicación.  Revdo. Mons. JOSE LUIS DUHOURQCensor Puede imprimirse.
 S.E.R. Mons. JOAQUIN M. SUCUNZA Vicario General del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, 31 de Octubre de 2002  -  Prot. Nº 828/02
CopyRight by Mario H. Ibertis Rivera D.N.D.D.A Nº 166369 –2001 Buenos Aires – República Argentina

Prayer to the Virgin Mary as Untier of Knots

Holy Mary, full of the presence of God, during your life
you accepted with great humility the holy will of the father
and the legacy of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and evil
never dared to entangle you with its confusion. Since then
you have interceded for all of our difficulties as you did
at the wedding feast of Cana. With all simplicity and with
patience, you have given us an example of how to untangle
the knots in our complicated lives. By being our mother
forever you arrange and make clear the path that unites us
to Our Lord.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and ours, with your maternal heart,
untie the knots that upset our lives. We ask you to receive
into your hands (here mention your prayer request) and
deliver us from the chains and confusion that restrain us.
Blessed Virgin Mary, through your grace, your intercession
and by your example, deliver us from evil, and untie the
knots that keep us from being united to God. So that free
of all confusion and error, we may find him in all things,
keep him in our hearts, and serve him always in our
brothers and sisters. Mother of Good Counsel pray for us.

We begin with our daily prayers, making the Sign of the Cross and praying the Act of Contrition so that God will enter our hearts, and he will brings us near to the Virgin Mary.

Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for
having offended you, and I detest
all my sins, because of Your just
punishments, but most of all because
they offend You, my God, who are
all-good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of
Your grace, to sin no more and to
avoid the near occasion of sin.