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Good morning Jesus, I thank You for another bright new day after a good nights rest You have given me. Jesus I hand over all this days work, thought and deeds in Your hands, let not sorrow overtake my heart and mind, let no anger rule my day, but let Your love fall on me fill my heart and take control of each second of my life, for You are Love, infinite love, fill me with Your love and let it overflow so that it will fall on all those I meet or talk to today. Jesus let not darkness take control of my life, but let Your light shine on me, let me be Your candle stick to carry this light wherever I go, so that where there is darkness, light shines out of me through YOU. Jesus teach me to look at other people the way You look at me, with loving eyes, eyes that will see in others a child of Yours. Jesus teach me to forgive the way You forgive me every time I sin against you, take control over my weakness, let me always follow Your will and not mine, for Your will is for sure keeping me on Your path, the path of truth, Your will is the best for me. I thank You Jesus for everything, for in You alone I can find peace, joy, love and mercy. Thank You for loving me before I loved You. Jesus my Lord, my comforter, my savior, my redeemer and my biggest friend, take me in Your arms and Your will be done in me.
Jesus I lift up all my family, friends, fb friends, especially all those that ask me to pray for them, You know them all dear Jesus and You know what they need, I lift up all the youths, families, the elderly, the sick, those suffering injustice, the priest and our Pope, the leaders of the world, and all people and situations that efflict each and everyone of us, Bless us all dear Jesus, wash us with Your divine blood let it be our protection against all evil that surrounds, Jesus we trust in YOU.