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 Pope Francis’ catechesis at the General Audience on Wednesday was focused once again on the Creed, as he continued his reflections on “the resurrection of the body.” “I want to present some aspects regarding the relationship between the Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection,” he said. “He is risen! And because He is risen, we too shall rise.”

Below, please find the full text of the English language summary of Pope Francis’ catechesis:

Dear Brothers and Sisters: we return to our reflection on “the resurrection of the body”, as we look at three aspects of the relationship between Christ’s resurrection and our own. First, the Gospel reveals to us that our faith in the resurrection is bound to the person of Jesus Christ, who himself said “I am the resurrection and the life”. Like us in all things but sin, Christ gathers us to himself so that we may accompany him in his journey back to the Father. The Risen Christ gives his disciples the Holy Spirit as a pledge of communion with God which has its fullness in eternity. The anticipation of eternal life is the source and reason for our hope. If cultivated and protected, it illuminates our lives as persons and communities. Second, Christ rose in his glorified body. Through Christ, our bodies will also be glorified and reunited with our souls at the resurrection. Therefore, our experience of the Risen Christ in the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, prepares us for the reunion of our bodies and souls in heaven. Third, while Jesus will resurrect us at the end of time, even now he wishes us to share in his resurrection. Through Baptism, we are inserted into his death and resurrection and begin to experience new life. The seed of eternity is planted within us. Hence, the image of eternity is imprinted on us and calls us to respect the lives of all people, especially those who suffer. In this way, we can experience the closeness of the Reign of God, towards which we all journey together.