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Isaiah 45

All the descendants of Israel shall glory in victory through the Lord.

In truth you are a hidden God, the God and Saviour of Israel.

They were dismayed and ashamed, all the makers of idols, all of them fled in dismay.

Israel has been saved by the Lord, saved for ever;

you will not be dismayed or ashamed, to the end of time.

For thus says the Lord, the God who made the heavens, who made the earth, shaped it, set it firm – 

he did not make it to be empty, but to be full of life – 

“I am the Lord, there is no other.

I have not spoken secretly, in some dark corner of the earth. 

I have not said to the children of Jacob, 

‘seek me in vain.’

I am the Lord who speaks justice, who proclaims uprightness.

“Gather together, come, approach me all you who have been rescued from the Gentiles.

They were ignorant, who raised up wooden idols and begged favours of a god without power.

Announce it – come, ponder it together – who was saying this from the beginning, who foretold this from the start?

Am I not the Lord?

Is there any other God but me?

Do you seek a just God who will save you? 

There is no other.

“Turn to me and you will be saved, all you ends of the earth;

for I am God, there is no other.

“I have sworn by my own being, I have decreed a judgement that will not be revoked; 

for every knee will bend to me, every tongue swear by my name.”

“Only in the Lord,” 
they will say,

“are there justice and strength!”

All who resisted him will come to him, and be dismayed;

but in the Lord all descendants of Israel will receive justice and glory.