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Pope Francis has announced his upcoming trip to the Holy Land on 

Sunday, January 5, just one day after the 50th anniversary of the first 

ever papal trip to the region. Pope Paul VI began his visit on January 4th 

1964. This was the first journey outside Italy for a Pope. This historic 

pilgrimage marked a fundamental shift in Catholic-Orthodox relations: 

Paul VI met with the head of the Orthodox Church at the time, the 

Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Athenagoras I, in the Garden of 

Olives in Jerusalem, an encounter which led to the lifting of the mutual 

excommunications declared after the East-West Schism in 1054.

In memory of this major and significant event, Pope Francis will meet the 

Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I, in an ecumenical 

meeting with representatives of the Christian Churches of Jerusalem, 

which will take place near the Holy Sepulchre. "From now I ask you to 

pray for this pilgrimage, it will be a journey of prayer" said Pope Francis at

 the Angelus when he announced his forthcoming trip to the Holy Land.

In the photo: Pope Francis meets Patriarch Bartholomew I of 

Constantinople in the Vatican.
