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JESUS SAYS "TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU" which means 'TAKE THE BURDEN OF THE OTHER ON YOURSELF." ~ Pope Francis, Sunday Angelus, July 6, 2014.
From Vatican Radio:

"The Holy Father went on to explain that the Lord’s invitation is not only for the economically, politically and socially disadvantaged. It is also for those, who, though they "have it all" from a material point of view, nevertheless suffer from an emptiness of heart. “Jesus promises to give refreshment to all,” he said, adding, “there is, however, also an invitation, which is like a commandment: ‘Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.” The Pope then explained that this “yoke” of the Lord consists in taking the burden of the other upon oneself, with brotherly love. The Holy Father told the faithful, “Once you have received the refreshment and comfort of Christ, we are called in turn to become refreshment and comfort for our brothers and sisters, with a meek and humble attitude, in imitation of the Master.”