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Beware of prophets of doom false prophets and Prophet for profits"" Only God the Father knows the end of the world."" MATTHEW 24;36. The Book of Truth by the false seer Carburry is Condemned. By the Slovakian Bishop Conference for its full of doctrinal and theological errors. The seer elevated herself as a messenger to open the sixth seal. Oh my Jesus have mercy. The MDM ( Maria Divine Mercy) UNDERMINES THE DIVINE MERCY OF JESUS. It aims to instill fear anxiety and fear. It aims to Destroy the papacy. Vatican and Eucharist. We understand what are going around the world for Our Lady Of Fatima gave us a Message of warning and HOPE. UNLESS WE OBEY HER REQUEST ( Five first Saturday devotion) there will be persecution of the church famine and war. She did not instill fear but a solution. CONFESS JOHN 20:22-24 Receive the Eucharist John 6:52-55 pray the 5 mysteries and keep her company for 15 minutes by meditating on the mysteries. The Message of false prophets come from the distortion of thr interpretation of the Bible. We know that. Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead. LIVE A HOLY LIFE THATS IT. WHO ARE AFRAID?? Those whose souls are lost and inside the trap of satan. Obey the church. Obedience is a virtue"" St. Padre Pio. The magisterium of the church will take care of us. Jesus loves us all. Obey His church Matthew 16:16-19,