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My waisted years have turned into blessings and are all over me. Amen
I wish to share this small message to straighten you, child of God.
it doesn't matter the number of times you fall but the times you stood strong to conquer in the lord. Knowing your basics is very important as we race for victory.
Consumable plants are planted in their seeds through which it sprang to form strong roots that holds firmly to the ground against the storm that may come.
From roots it forms into big plants, to branches and latter bear fruits, then in those fruits are seeds of great mineral potentials which gives nutrients to the body when eaten.

if you are in sin these processes may not be found in you and it may be difficult for you to discover the GENIUS in you for every living creature has he's gifts.
Can we reflect back in the case of king Solomon, st. Paul the persecutor, king David the slayer of Goliath, Jacob the dreamer and most gloriously, Jesus our redeemer.
So what kind of fruits do we bear? the sour fruits or sweeter ones?
If our waisted years must be recovered, there is a need for U turn. Happy weekend friends in the lord.