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In this heart-provoking and enlightening sharing of the Word of God, “DOES GOD'S LOVE ABIDE IN YOU?” by Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C., Director of Divine Retreat Centre Muringoor, Kerala, India, we are challenged to examine our hearts - do we really love Jesus? How do we live our love for Christ?

“In the month of June, all of us think of the ‘Heart” because we celebrate the Feast of the Heart of Jesus during this month. There is a whole devotion to the Heart of Jesus. We consecrate our families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion has deep roots in the Scriptures. St. John tells us in 1 John 4:16, ‘God is Love’. As we know, the heart is the symbol of love. ‘God is love and he who abides in love abides in God.’”

“An experience of love is where God is present. When I love, I am in touch with God God’s Love is manifested to me to fill my heart – to satisfy my life.” St. John said, “Beloved. If God so loved us, we ought to love one another.’ (1 John 4:11) God’s Love in our hearts should lead us to love others.”

“If my heart does not go out of me to help that person. Then how do I experience God’s Love? If there is God’s Love in my heart, it will take ‘flesh’ in loving others. That is the ESSENCE of Christianity revealed to us! What is religion? How do I experience my faith and my commitment to God? It is by being compassionate to the poor and the needy. It is there I know I am so filled with God’s Love that it overflows to those in need. ‘So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.’ (James 2:17)”

“One could fly high in prayer and contemplation; one could feel the nearness of God; one could feel the great zeal for God’s Glory. Yet if his feet are not fixed in the midst of the poor and the needy, his faith is of no good. A love of God that does not care for the needy brethren is no love at all.”

Divine Retreat Centre, Kerala, India, run by the priests of the Vincentian Congregation of India, is the largest Catholic retreat centre in the world. Retreats in English and 6 Indian languages are conducted every week of the year. 

LIVING WATERS is a 30-minute daily Divine TV programme of anointed sharing of God's Word by Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C,

DIVINE TELEVISION (UK/Europe & Middle East) Is known as GOODNESS Channel in India & Asia-Pacific and as DVN Network in USA/Canada. 

It can also be viewed worldwide ONLINE at