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August 11th marks the Feast Day of St. Clare of Assisi. She lived in the 13th century, but her legacy is still very much alive. 

She was born in Italy in the year 1193. Her birth name was Chiara Offreduccio. Her family was wealthy and wanted her to marry, but her religious vocation led her to a different route. 

She founded a monastic religious order- the Order of Poor Ladies, after being inspired by Francis of Assisi. In fact, she was actually one of his first followers. Inspired by his teachings, she left home at the age of 18, and became one of his pupils. 

In line with his style of humility, her Order was also known for its simple style ofpiety and poverty. 

When Pope Francis visited Assisi, back in October 2013, he made it a point to pray before the crypt of St. Clare. 

She died in 1253 and was canonized just two years later by Pope Alexander IV.