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But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! (Matthew 5:44).

Life is a script; we are called to play our part—the love-part.

In the Journey of faith, all who relates with us are placed there by God for our benefit; whether they’re helping us, or they’re against us, If they are kind, loving, and helpful Praise the Lord.

If they are Not Kind, Loving, & Helpful Still Praise the Lord, No one is a factor to Stop God from promoting us.

If someone accuses us falsely, leave it to the Lord; He’s the righteous Judge, and will surely defend us, we should just love and have a cheeeeeseeeee smile ; that’s our role in the script. That means we have the capacity to love as God does."

Our ability to put up a loving cheeeeeeeseeeeeee smile when others attack us, or persecute us, shows that We are born of God; His love has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit who lives in you (Romans 5:5).