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He is not hidden. 

He is seen by those who have eyes which are opened by living faith. 

He is showing Himself all around us. 

He has taken up residence within us. 

He is revealed to us in the face of our neighbor and, in a special way, in the face of the poor. 

He is revealed in His living word and communicates His divine life to us through the Sacraments. 

We are invited today to be the people who always want to see Jesus. 

That desire should draw us ever more deeply into a life of prayer and communion. 

It is there, in the intimacy fueled by living faith, that we receive the light we need to see the Lord. 

St. Augustine once warned of what can happen when we turn away from that light:

"Love for the shadows ends up making the eyes of the soul weaker and weaker. 

The eyes become unable to see the face of God. 

Therefore, the more a man gives into his weakness, the more he slips into darkness." 

Let us ask the Lord for the grace we need to persevere in the faith.