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Jesus, I look at the Blessed Sacrament, Your Body and Blood, which was given to us as a gift, some few hours before You were betrayed by Juda and taken in front of the Sanhedrin, where You knew that You will be judged and put to death. Jesus Your love is so great and here I meditate of that very moment when You created the sacrament of Holy Communion, Jesus yes You knew of the passion that was coming on You, yet You thought of us and put aside Your pain and sorrow for us, to give us this Gift because You wanted to remain close to us.
Jesus this wonderful gift is here with us every day, we can come visit You and stay by Your side and keep You company, we can come and receive You every day during Holy Mass, where at that very moment my body becomes a tabernacle for You to lay in, let my faith get stronger and stronger every time I receive YOU. I know that I am not worthy of letting You enter under my roof, but I know just one word from You will heal my soul. Jesus Your love for us is unconditional, and through the Eucharist we can surely see all this because You show us every time how close You want to be to us, by coming near to our heart, by not looking at our weaknesses and our sins, but by only longing to stay close to us. We can feel Your love and presence when You enter and rest in our hearts. Jesus help us that through communion, we become stronger in You, that our faith grows stronger, help us to understand this great miracle that is happening in front of our eyes every day in all masses of the world. In communion Jesus You become one with us united together forever from this earth. Jesus thank You for this wonderful gift.