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Here I am Jesus, all quiet and resting, after a day's work, a day's routine. I thank You for being with me in all that I accomplished today, and I thank You that You will remain by my side throughout this night and forever, as that is Your promise. Here I am Jesus, in the silence of my heart I can feel 
Your presence, Your warmth, Your love, through them I feel joy and peace. Jesus, what will I do if I did not have You. Jesus I come in front of 
You with all my weakness and my nothingness, and I ask for Your forgiveness for all that might have hurt You today and for not listening to You so might have ended up not doing Your will. Jesus teach me to always be a better person. Jesus send down Your angels by my bedside, and by the bedside of all my loved ones, family and friends, and all the people of the world, to take care of us and watch over us through this night. Jesus help all those that are sick, relief them Jesus from all the pain that might cause them not to have a good nights rest, give them a good restful night and help them to have a good night. I pray for all those people who have no roof over their head, warm them by your love Jesus and give them a restful night. 

Jesus bless us all, wash us all with Your divine Blood which is our shield against all evil. Thank You Jesus.