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 I would love to thank you for your 'YES' for through it we have Jesus our Savior and through HIM we were saved. Mother most pure and gently, you did not even ask any questions when the Archangel announced to you that you 

will give birth to a son, yes you were shocked and this I can imagin, but when the archangel told you what is to happen you just said 'Yes, your will be done', without seeing the consequences it was going to bring on you for all your life, pain, worries and persecution. What an example you are to all of us here in the world. Pray for us of dear Holy Mother, that we may be like you, learn from you through your example of obedience and acceptance, teach us to love more your Son Jesus, help us to get closer to Him, as its in HIM only that we can find our peace, joy and love, in HIM we find our strength to carry on in this material world. 
Dear Holy Mother thank you for all your help in our life, as we know that you are always there watching over us and interceding for us in all that we need. Mary oh Holy Mother, you are always there sharing in our sorrows, in our joys, in everything, and your motherly love for us is a gift from your son Jesus, who under the cross gave you to us and us to you. Thank you for accepting us all as your children.
Dear Holy Mother pray for us to Your Son, so that one day we come and live with you and Jesus for ever in eternity.