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What you do with everything God has given you is your gift to Him. 

Is your life all about getting and taking and keeping and hoarding or rather is it all about giving?”

Pondering these thoughts today: 

How attentive are you to the needs of others who are not in your immediate family? 

How attentive are you to your needs and your family’s needs
(blood relatives)? 

How appropriate is the difference between these different levels of attentiveness? 

Do you watch fellow family members struggle and suffer? 

How sad if you do, I pity the soul so selfish that they are incapable of helping those closest to them. 

With that attitude of thought taken to the next level, would you also watch a close friend or family member go hunger (literally), 

when you yourself have plenty and in-fact you even throw food away every night after dinner? 

Insightful, but a hard teaching when it comes to what you would really do to give to another.