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Jesus lover of my soul, I turn to You to praise You, to lift up Your name most High, Blessed is Your Name, Mighty is Your Name, Worthy is Your name. Jesus You are my wonderful beautiful friend, my joy, love, peace, my everything. Jesus one day years ago I was caught up in Your net, after so many years of You being so patient with me trying so hard to make me hear You, to draw me close to Your heart and to catch me and wrap me in Your net, a net where one is protected from all the evil that is around, a net where Your love and mercy are given to me abundantly. Jesus let not this net tare up, where I may slip out of it, but that this net remains whole through my prayers, through my love for You and others, by being merciful, by doing Your will, yes Jesus this net is kept whole by Your Grace, because what else do I need Jesus in my life when Your Grace is sufficient for me. Jesus let me cuddly up and enjoy the feeling of being wrapped up in Your net, as that is the safest place I can be, to be close to You, close to Your heart, for that is the place You too enjoy being with me, where you too Jesus can hear my heart beat, that beats with love for YOU. Jesus let me be Your light, so that through this light more people are caught up in this net of love, joy, peace and mercy, so together with You we will live to see the day where we may join You and live with You for eternity, our home we were created for. Jesus this is my thought this morning, I give my nothing to You, as that is all I have to offer. Bless us all, Jesus I trust in YOU.