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He was the Son of Thunder who became known as the Apostle of love. 

It was to this disciple that Jesus entrusted the care of his mother (Jn.19:26,27). 

He was the first disciple to visit the tomb on Easter morning.................


His name is Aramaic meaning twin. 

John uses the Greek rendering Didymus which means the same thing.

Because of his name it is assumed that he had a twin brother or sister..........


Luke gives his name as Levi. 

The name Matthew (Matthias) 
means gift of God and may be the name given him by the Lord as he did other disciples. 

He was the son of Alphaeus.........


His name is Greek. 

We are unaware of any Hebrew name.

He is Peter's brother, and by trade a fisherman from Galilee.

From Mark (2:29),
we learn that he lived with Peter.....


He is possibly the older brother of John since in three of the lists he is mentioned first. 

He was the son of Zebedee and Salome. 

His Hebrew name is Jacob ........


His name is Greek and means lover of horses. 

He was from Bethsaida of Galilee, the village of Peter and Andrew.

Since the primary industry of this village was fishing it is likely Philip was also a fisherman..................


Bartholomew means son of Tolmai. 

It is therefore, not his name. 

Most scholars believe Nathanael is to be identified as Bartholomew. ....

James The Less

He is known as the Son of Alphaeus and James, the Less
(Mk. 15:40). 

He may have been called the Less (Grk. mikros) 

because he was small, or because he was young...................


Jude was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. 

He is generally identified with Thaddeus, 

and is also variously called Jude of James, Jude Thaddaeus, Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus. 

The Betrayer, The Traitor, 
The Son of Perdition. 

Jesus said of him that 

“it would have been better if 
he had never been born.” 

He may have been named for a well-known Jewish hero at that time Judas Maccabeus. ...........


He is called Simon the Zealot and Simon the Cananean.

Cananean is the Aramaic rendering of Zealot. 

From Josephus and archaeology we now know of a political party known as the Zealots...........