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Photo: There is not a scrap of evidence for the survival of what is called the spiritual soul of man.

That is true from the viewpoint of physical experimental science. 

But the problem lies beyond the range of physical science, 

and is a matter for philosophical reasoning, or additionally, 

faith in the divinely revealed truth. 

We know, of course, that Spiritualists and Societies for Psychical Research claim to offer experimental evidence for survival in an after-life, 

but they have not been able to offer anything like convincing proofs. 

However, the God who made us tells us that there is a next life. 

As the New Testament puts it: 

"God, who spoke in times past by the prophets, has in these days spoken to us by His Son . . . by whom also He made the world." Heb., 1:1-2. 

That Divine Son, born into this world under the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation, bade us not to fear those who can kill the body but are not able to kill the soul
(Matt., 10:28), 

and to lay up for ourselves, not perishable goods on earth, but imperishable treasures in heaven (Matt., 6:19-20). 

He who made us, knows also the provision He has made for our future. 

To reject the truth of this teaching, 

one has to deny all the facts of Judaeo- Christian history, 

the whole series of events from Abraham through to Christ and the Apostles, 

manifesting God's interventions in human affairs. 

Man's reason has full scope for inquiry into this historical evidence on our own earthly level, 

which provides more than enough justification for faith in what God has revealed to be true precisely because He has so revealed it.


That is true from the viewpoint of physical experimental science. 

But the problem lies beyond the range of physical science, 

and is a matter for philosophical reasoning, or additionally, 

faith in the divinely revealed truth. 

We know, of course, that Spiritualists and Societies for Psychical Research claim to offer experimental evidence for survival in an after-life, 

but they have not been able to offer anything like convincing proofs. 

However, the God who made us tells us that there is a next life. 

As the New Testament puts it: 

"God, who spoke in times past by the prophets, has in these days spoken to us by His Son . . . by whom also He made the world." Heb., 1:1-2. 

That Divine Son, born into this world under the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation, bade us not to fear those who can kill the body but are not able to kill the soul
(Matt., 10:28), 

and to lay up for ourselves, not perishable goods on earth, but imperishable treasures in heaven (Matt., 6:19-20). 

He who made us, knows also the provision He has made for our future. 

To reject the truth of this teaching, 

one has to deny all the facts of Judaeo- Christian history, 

the whole series of events from Abraham through to Christ and the Apostles, 

manifesting God's interventions in human affairs. 

Man's reason has full scope for inquiry into this historical evidence on our own earthly level, 

which provides more than enough justification for faith in what God has revealed to be true precisely because He has so revealed it.
