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COME TO ME YE ALL WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVILY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST"" Matthew 11:28. Jesus King of Divine Mercy is waiting for us to dump all our toxic and baggages which make life lonely, miserable and depressed. He left a church with seven Saraments to aid in salvation. Jesus to Peter to the 266th pope Pope Francis Matthew 16:16-19. "" WHOSE SINS YOU FORGIVE ARE FORGIVEN AND WHOSE SINS YOU RETAIN ARE RETAINED" John 20:22-24 Matthew 16:16-19. Jesus is waiting in the confessions, in the person of the Pope. Bishops and Priests Matthew 16:16-19 AND THE GATE SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT Matthew 16-18. After the garbage in the soul is taken out..pride Envy greed anger avarice sloth and LUSTFULNESS are Removed we receive the Eucharist John 6:51-55. " DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME"" Its clear" During the last supper Jesus said the consecration TRANSUBSTANTIATION happen "" The changing of the bread to the body of Jesus and the wine to His blood. BELIEVE!! Its in the Bible. Mass is the highest form of prayer. Lets Gather around the Eucharist. Oh how Peaceful is our feeling. ""ENJOY LIFE"'Jesus is King of Peace. Our Pope holds mass as successor of Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the PEACE WHICH MONEY CANNOT BUY. St. Padre Pio pray for us Amen.