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my God, my Savior, I thank You for another day, which is the Lord's day, Sunday. I open up my heart to You my Lord, my wonderful friend Jesus, You are my faithful friend, to You I come with great joy, to give You all my joy, my sorrows and my pains, because I know I have given them to Christ my Redeemer, who showed me how much He loves me when He stretched out His hands on the cross for me, when He shed all His blood for me, when He was laughed at for me, Jesus who can remain indifferent in front of this great love. Thank You Jesus for giving me the salvation so that one day by Your grace I come to join You in eternity, the place I was created for, help me to live my faith, to be united with You and do Your will. Thank You Jesus, keep me on Your path, never let me go astray, show me the way for You are the only Way, show me the truth, for You are Truth and Jesus show me the life that comes only from YOU. Jesus I come to You to celebrate Your love for us during the feast of Holy Mass and receive You through the Holy Eucharist, the most precious gift You left for us in the last supper, come Jesus, come into my heart, rest in my heart, and fill me with Your love, peace, joy and strength, send down Your Holy Spirit, who is the power that lives in me. Yes Jesus following Your path is not easy, but I know that through prayers, through letting go all in Your Hands and through the gift of faith You have given me, I can do it because I have You in my life. Jesus give me more of You, so that I can love the way You love, give me the gift of wisdom but at the same time may I have the gift of humility. Thank You for everything.

Jesus I lift up all my family, friends, fb friends, all the sick, the poor, the lonely, those suffering injustice, all families of the world, the youth especially those whose hearts and minds are still disturbed and searching for truth, the priests, the Pope and all people of the world who are suffering from any kind of pain, sorrow and hurts. Jesus I thank You for hearing my prayer and I ask You to bless each one of us and fill us with the Holy Spirit so that through HIM we are guided to follow You and be like You, wash us all with Your Divine blood, protect us, let it be our shield against all evil that goes around us, help us to choose all that comes from You and not what the world has to offer, but to always hear Your voice in our choices. Jesus I trust in YOU.