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Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin has made clear that he wants the Vatican to do more than make symbolic gestures on the world stage. After the Holy See successfully helped the United States and Cuba reestablish diplomatic ties, it's now focusing heavily on climate change.

Specifically, the Vatican is hoping "Laudato Si” will influence international conferences in Ethiopia, the United States, and France. However, international cooperation is just the beginning.

Vatican Secretary of State
"We need paths of dialogue which can help us create space so that our home is truly held in common. The forces at work in the international sphere are not sufficient on their own, however, but must also be focused by a clear national stimulus, according to the principle of subsidiarity.”

Parolin's speech was followed by one from the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean. He said his country's existence is in danger because of climate change and that this year is crucial for its survival.  

Prime Minister (Tuvalu)
"We all know we are gearing up for a new climate change agreement to be concluded at the end of the year. We believe, we must take this as the defining moment to produce a defining statement, which must be bold, ambitious, and far-sighted.”

Beyond international agreements and changing national policies, Parolin suggested that people will also have to change their personal behavior.

Vatican Secretary of State
"I hope that the impact will be especially concrete and practical. I think that we have discussed a lot about the problem of climate change. Now, it's time to act. And I think this is precisely what the Pope is requesting from us, to act, and to start to change our lifestyle just to preserve our common house, which is the Earth.”

The "COP21” conference is considered the most key international meeting forclimate change this year. It will take place in Paris from November 30th to December 11th.