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The importance of leading a balanced life. This is what Pope Francis talked about as he started off a new series of catechesis,  in his weekly general audience. 

He explained that dedicating time to celebration, work and prayer are all needed to appreciate a healthy family life. 

"It's a masterpiece of simplicity. It's beautiful because it's not artificial or fake. Rather it has the potential to incorporate all the aspects of true life.”

Balancing these three elements will be one of the central themes of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, which the Pope will attend at the end of September.  

The Pope emphasized that despite a societal obsession with economic profit,  celebration and prayer are needed to reflect on one's life and to reflect on God. 

"We are made in the image and likeness of God, who is not a slave to work, but the Lord of work!  God asks us to break away from the obsession of economic profit, which attacks our rhythms of life. It denies mankind the time to focus on what's really important.” 

Even God took a day to rest,  the Pope said.  As such, families should follow this example by enjoying quality time together as a unit, and that includes making time for Sunday Mass.  

Enjoying one's personal and professional accomplishments, he added, should be celebrated and not discouraged. 

"Celebration is a beautiful gift from God. It's a gift He made for the human family to enjoy. Let's not ruin it.”

During the month of August, the weekly general audience is being held indoors—in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall to escape Rome's intense summer heat.