Dear friends, today we are celebrating the international day for the eradication of poverty (who was born as a world day of the rejection of the misery).
In the general audience of last Wednesday, Pope Francis recalled the importance of this day with these words: " on Saturday 17 October takes place the world day of the rejection of misery.
This day it is proposed to increase efforts to eliminate extreme poverty and discrimination and to ensure that everyone can fully exercise their fundamental rights.
We're all invited to make our this intention to the charity of Christ scope and ease to the brothers and sisters, poorer and abandoned ".
The world day of the rejection of the misery originated in a meeting of families of great poverty in the neighborhood of noisy-Le-Grand of Paris. Father Joseph Wresinski the met to form an association with them, which would later be known as atd fourth world.
On 17 October 1987, the father wresinski summoned 100.000 defenders of human rights in the atrium of the trocadero in Paris, to pay tribute to the victims of hunger, violence and ignorance; express Its rejection of the misery; and to make an appeal to mankind, to make us do respect human rights.