In his homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis said that in order to be holy it is necessary to be humble and to be humble it is necessary to recognize the mistakes and humiliations.
He recalled the example of King David, who acknowledged his sin. Although best example of greatest humiliation, the Pope explained, is that of Christ, who allowed himself to be crucified and humiliated by love.
"We ask the Lord, for each of us, for all the Church, the grace of humility, but also the grace of understanding that it is impossible to be humble without humiliation.”
The Pope said that King David changed because of his humility. A corrupt heart, he said, is difficult to convert because it does not accept mistakes or errors.
(Source: Vatican Radio)
"It takes a special grace to change the heart of a corrupt person”. Thus, "David, who still had a noble heart”, recognized his sin, "he recognized his fault”. What did Nathan say to him? These were his words: "The Lord has forgiven your sin, but the corruption you have sown will grow. You killed an innocent man to hide adultery. The sword shall never depart from your house”. Thus, the Pope explained, "God forgives sin, David converts but the wounds of corruption are difficult to heal. We see this in so many parts of the world”.
"The only path to humility is humiliation”. Therefore, "David’s goal, which is holiness, is reached through humiliation”. Also, "the goal of holiness that God gives to his children, gives to the Church, comes through the humiliation of his Son who lets himself be cursed, who lets himself be borne on the Cross, unjustly”. Francis clarified that "this Son of God who humbles himself, is the path of holiness: David, with his attitude, prophesies the humiliation of Jesus”.
Before ending his homily Francis asked of "the Lord, for each of us, for all the Church, the grace of humility, but also the grace of understanding that it is impossible to be humble without humiliation”.