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Saint Augustine of Hippo

(354-430 AD) 

summed up our need for God's help in the following 

prayer he wrote: 

God our Father, 

we find it difficult to come to you, 

because our knowledge of you is imperfect. 

In our ignorance we have imagined you to be our 


we have wrongly thought that you take pleasure in 

punishing our sins; 

and we have foolishly conceived you to be a tyrant 

over human life. 

But since Jesus came among us, 

he has shown that you are loving, 

and that our resentment against you was 


God does not wish leave us in spiritual darkness 

in our ignorance and unbelief. 

He is always ready to give us his 



and truth 

to all who seek him and who hunger for his word. 

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit he helps us to 

grow each and every day 

in faith,
and understanding of his life-giving word. 

Do you want to know more of God and his 

transforming love? 

Look to Jesus,
the Light of God, 

and in his truth you will find joy, freedom, 

and wholeness of mind, 

body and soul.

"Lord Jesus, in your word I find 


and freedom. 

May I never doubt your word nor forget your 


Increase my love for your word of truth that I may 

embrace it fully in my life."