is it too soon to speak about a female political system? Maybe. It is enough to note that a politics managed only by men is no longer a practical option.
Women and politics in history and within the collective imagination have been and, to a large extent, remain in opposition. At most, politics does not seem to be a feminine thing. But today we are at a turning point. The contrast between women and politics is less marked. The division is growing looser. Faced with the failure of politics managed exclusively by men a new one is being sought, one which is truer, more concrete, closer to the needs of everyday life. And here amidst the fog and confusion, something female emerges. Is it possible to define it, to propose it, to design it fully? Not really, but it would be equally mistaken not to detect it in different countries with different cultures and faiths. It is undeniable that within a female politics there is to be found service, passion and faith. And also competence. "With the perception which is a part of your womanhood - John Paul II wrote in his letter to women - you enrich the understanding of the world and contribute towards the full truth of human relations." For sure women in politics do not bring only a part of themselves, but all that they are. And if once, according to male categories, they were also divided in politics between conservatives who put primary emphasis on maternity and liberals who fought a battle for the right to work , today this division no longer exists. In creating a feminine political system, women remain complete and they defend every aspect of life, both their own and the life of others. Is it too soon to speak about a female political system? Maybe. It is enough to note that a politics managed only by men is no longer a practical option. Moreover, in that letter John Paul II predicted this: "The serious issues facing humanity will see, in the politics of the future, women being increasingly involved: leisure, the quality of life, migration, social services, euthanasia, drugs, health care and assistance, ecology, etc.. In all these areas, a greater social presence of women will prove most valuable, because it will help to eliminate the contradictions of a society organized through the bare criteria of efficiency and productivity, and it will compel the reformulation of the systems in favour of the processes of humanization which delineate the “civilization of love”".