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Dear Holy Mother, you are the example of obedience to me, the example of purity, of love, of patience, of wisdom, of joy, of everything that is good and blessed in you. Mary my Holy Mother, please interceed for the conversion of all sinners of the world and that is including me, that we all turn to Your beautiful, loving, merciful Son, as in Him only can we find our joy, peace and love, as He is the Way, The Truth and The Life.

Oh dear Holy Mother, help us to be more like you, to belong more to Jesus your Son and not to belong more to this world, here we are only passers by, struggling in this world, so one day we come and join You and Your Son in heaven for eternity. Thank you dear Holy Mother, for always being there for us to show us the way to your son and to get to know Him better and love HIM. Queen of peace pray for us, AMEN