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Cyril of Alexandria,
a fifth century church father, comments on
Jesus' word to be rich
toward God:
Cyril of Alexandria, 
a fifth century church father, comments on 
Jesus' word to be rich 
toward God:

It is true that a persons life is not from ones possessions or because of having an overabundance. 

He who is rich toward God is very blessed and has glorious hope. 

Who is he? 

Evidently, one who does not love wealth but rather loves virtue, and 
to whom few things are sufficient. 

It is one whose hand is open to the needs of the poor, comforting the sorrows of those in poverty according to his means and the utmost of his power. 

He gathers in the storehouses that are above and lays up treasures in heaven. 

Such a one shall find the interest of his virtue and the reward of his right and blameless life.

It is true that a persons life is not from ones possessions or because of having an overabundance.

He who is rich toward God is very blessed and has glorious hope.

Who is he?

Evidently, one who does not love wealth but rather loves virtue, and
to whom few things are sufficient.

It is one whose hand is open to the needs of the poor, comforting the sorrows of those in poverty according to his means and the utmost of his power.

He gathers in the storehouses that are above and lays up treasures in heaven.

Such a one shall find the interest of his virtue and the reward of his right and blameless life.