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On Lust the love of the pleasures that are contrary to purity.

NO SINS, my children, ruin and destroy a soul so quickly as this shameful sin; 

it snatches us out of the hands of the good God and hurls us like a stone into an abyss of mire and corruption. 

Once plunged in this mire, we cannot get out, we make a deeper hole in it every day, we sink lower and lower. 

Then we lose the faith, we laugh at the truths of religion, we no longer see Heaven, we do not fear Hell. 

O my children! how much are they to be pitied who give way to this passion! 

How wretched they are! 

Their soul, which was so beautiful, which attracted the eyes of the good God, over which He leant as one leans over a perfumed rose, has become like a rotten carcass, of which the pestilential door rises even to His throne...

See, my children! 

Jesus Christ endured patiently, among His Apostles, men who were proud, ambitious, greedy--
even one who betrayed Him; 

but He could not bear the least stain of impurity in any of them; 

it is of all vices that which He has most in abhorrence: 

"My Spirit does not dwell in you," 
the Lord says, 

"if you are nothing but flesh and corruption. " 

God gives up the impure to all the wicked inclinations of his heart. 

He lets him wallow, like the vile swine, in the mire, and does not even let him smell its offensive exhalations... 

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