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God Can Turn Suffering Around For Our Good

This truth is best seen in the many examples of the 


Through Job’s suffering we see a man who not only 

came to a deeper understanding of God but who 

also became a source of encouragement for people 

in every generation to follow. 

Through the rejection, betrayal, enslavement, and 

wrongful imprisonment of a man named Joseph, 

we see someone who eventually was able to say to 

those who had hurt him,

“You meant evil against me; 

but God meant it for good” 

( Genesis 50:20). 

When everything in us screams at the heavens for 

allowing suffering, we have reason to look at the 

eternal outcome and joy of Jesus who in His own 

suffering on an executioner’s cross cried,

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” 

( Matthew 27:46)