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Lord, when I ponder
All You do,
My love all the more
Grows for You.

From the highest heavens
You descended to earth;
I see Your humble manger,
Your place of birth.

I see Your sweat of blood
In the Garden of Gethsemane,
I hear in Your anguish
Your prayers for me.

I watch You in Your pain
As the Cross You bore;
Out of love for me,
A thorny crown You wore.

I see the blood You shed,
Blood cleansing my soul;
It is the blood of Life,
It makes me whole.

If You but needed to,
Again You would do it all;
Your life You poured
To save me from the Fall.

So today and always
Your love I shall embrace;
I need only to look upon
Your precious face.

For, Lord, when I see You
And all You do,
My love all the more
Grows for You.

Written By Caroline Gavin ©Nov 2012