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Monday 13th January, 2014

“Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.”


The Gospel of today has two parts: the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry and the beginnings of the apostles’ life with Jesus. Both parts are interconnected; in the first part Jesus invites his audience for a change of heart (repent) and believe in the Good News, and in the second part we see an instant and wholehearted response to this appeal. The first disciples change their way of life (as fishermen). Peter and Andrew were casting their nets. The first pair was already at work, the second pair was getting ready for the work. In both cases they were busy with their family livelihood. Jesus invited them to join a larger family of the kingdom of God which was ‘at hand.’ Am I ready to bring about changes within myself in order to be part of God’s family?
~ MARK 1:14-20