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A Walk with Jesus and Mama Mary:
My Story of Hope and Miracles by Rommel "bro. Mheng" Torres

It was June 1, 2002 and my family attended the renewal of vow of my eldest brother in the seminary. On our group pictorial I was seating on the floor and right after the shots taken I could not stand up and I was carried up by my brothers. I underwent physical therapy because I have a history of low back pain syndrome when I was in college. On that three weeks therapy session, instead of improvements, my condition worsen. From the first week that I have a pin pricking sensation on my left foot, to the second week that I need to use a pair of crutches and to the third week that I am already dependent on a wheelchair. I was referred to a neurology surgeon and after series of tests and laboratory exams, he told us that I might have a tumor on my spinal cord and he suggested that I undergo MRI to confirm his suspicion. We did not waist our time and proceeded with the Imaging. After claiming the results and brought it to my doctor, I was shocked when he told me the results. It was confirmed that I have an intraspinal solid mass laying on my spinal cord stretching from thoracic level 11 to lumbar level 1. He said that the tumor was growing and I need to undergo immediate operation because the longer we wait, the higher the risk that I will die or if ever I survive, I might be like a vegetable all my life. He didn't told us the option if I will walk again and live a normal life, I was terrified. Few days later I decided to be confined after seeking second opinion where I get the same answer from the other neurology surgeon. On July 14, 2002, in the ward I asked my father to accompany me to the chapel to pray and it was 3pm and no one except the two of us were there. I rolled myself in front of the altar closing my eyes just aware of the surroundings. Listening to the wind blowing the trees, the chirping birds and the sound of my heartbeat. I am just silent but aware, and moments later I felt I was crying and trembling in fear. My father didn't disturbed me for he knew I was praying. I was very afraid asking God why there are so many criminals and drug addicts living in the world who deserve to have this kind of punishment, I asked him why it has to be me? I begged him for three times that he spare my life for I have a future ahead and I was young to die, I was only 23. Then a great energy like a light struck me within and I felt the embrace of the spirit. I told God that I know it was him who did it, I instantly became courageous despite that the operation ahead is uncertain, with the embrace of the spirit, I know I will live. And on that day of July 14, 2002, I made a covenant with God and told him that because he took my fears, I will not make any promises but I will make a vow with him that as he restore my life, then all my life I will serve him and his people. I excitedly asked my father to tell the doctors to begin the operation and that same month after signing a waver, I underwent Spine Surgery under General Anesthesia. It was a long operation and when it was finished I was transferred to the ICU after waking up in the Recovery room. I had a personal encounter with Jesus and Mama Mary before I woke up and I will always remember that place where they brought me. A place where justice and love prevails and no one is above everyone, there is harmony and peace. There were people in light inviting me to come with them but Jesus held my shoulders and turned me back and he said it was not yet my time. As I was turned and felt my body moved, I already saw the ceiling of the recovery room. After two days in the ICU I felt an excruciating pain on my back after the anesthesia worn out and it feels like a big rock dropped on my back I can't sleep. I was confident that God will hear my prayer to ease my pain and I fell asleep after.

When I woke up I was very excited because I don't feel the pain and I wanted to ask my father to bring me home so I could recover faster. But that time thou I know what to say, something hurdles my mouth to speak. I can't even pronounce a word and my voice was gone. i saw myself on the mirror and could not believe that I was very thin almost like a malnourished kid. My father asked me if I did not remember what happened and what they told me really shocked me. He said that we already celebrated Christmas and soon will be New Year's Eve. They said that on the day I fall asleep, I had a very high fever and I was unconscious. I had an infection from the operation and needed series of surgeries because the infection went up to my head that is why I acquired hydrocephalus and needed to insert a vp shunt tube to regulate the water pressure. I underwent not 1 but 7 major operations on that five month period where I thought was just yesterday when I woke up. I had four operations on my spinal cord and three operations on my head to fit the right pressure of the shunt. My mother almost die seeing me on that bed in the ICU you can conclude I am ready to cross over. My condition in the ICU was unusual having six dextrose attached on my arms and legs, pads and ECG monitor, oxygen tanks, an NGT tube inserted in my nose for my food since I cannot eat. I learned that I had cardiac arrests and acquired skin ulcer or bed sore that I needed another operation because you can see the end of my spinal cord. 

Those months was not cheap for my family, we are spending almost 7 thousand a day for the medicines to make me live, exclusive of the cost of the 7 operations and the hospital expenses. That month of December 27, the doctor informed my father that they need to perform another operation of putting a hole on my throat and stomach because it could be deadly if we prolong the use of the NGT it could affect my lungs. My father was observant and saw those first patients who underwent the same procedure but eventually died due to open infection. My father decided to bring me home signing a waver that the hospital is not liable when something bad happens. We celebrated New Years Day but I was rushed to the nearby hospital for difficulty in breathing and was brought home after treated. Since we don't want to go back to the old hospital, we decided that I'll be admitted in UST Hospital under Charity Ward. After recovering in two weeks, we went home to start a new life as a family. Two years after, another challenge happened to our family and it was December 27, 2005 when we, together with other families were ordered to vacate our home where we live for almost 25years. We lost the fight for our legal right to claim the property and because of it, we were evicted. We could have bought our own house if I didn't underwent multiple surgeries but because the unconditional love of my family, my father loaned from his retirement pension to pay for my hospital expenses. Because we don't have money, even to rent a space, we were force to live along the road for almost a month and because it was dangerous for us there, we were given the right to establish a temporary shelter on a former dump site nearby. Our house was made from scrap materials from the old garage covered with sacks of rice and it was so small we were sleeping like sardines during the night. The ceiling is just about 8feet high and the walls are made from metal roof where the temperature within is either hotter or colder. Most of the time we catch big rats and different kinds of insects falls down the bed. I supposed to have a monthly checkup but because of our financial crisis, I was not able to have a follow checkup and because of it, I acquired UTI that when I urinate the color of my urine is very dark and my normal bowel is most of the time every 7 to 9 days. I never doubted God for I know that on the day that I saw the ceiling of the recovery room, he already heard me and continuously guiding me. Thou we had a very poor life we know that God will bless us that is why on February 2007, I was asked to share my story of HOPE in the International Leaders Conference of CFC-Singles for Christ in Lanao del Norte. Accompanied by my brother Reyson, I shared my story to almost 7thousand delegates on that ground. I knew that Jesus and Mama Mary brought me there and tell the great hope awaiting for all. Many embraced me and honored me and a week after the conference, I had my follow up checkup and a miracle happened. My UTI was gone and I have a better bowel movement and as I go to sleep that night I talked to Jesus and Mama Mary and asked them what they want me to do. They simply smiled and Jesus whispered telling me to walk my faith and bring them to my people. 

To share the great hope and live a prayerful life.
Since that day as I become healthier and stronger, I continued giving my life sharing it where the spirit leads me. For the past seven years, Jesus and Mama Mary accompanied me everywhere I go serving my people. Inside the Bilibid prisons every Sunday for the past six years giving my time embracing our inmate brothers. To almost everyday as an invited speaker in different talks in the whole country and sometimes abroad. I was a volunteer builder in Gawad Kalinga few years back constructing homes for the poor. I am privilege to be given the chance to work as the VP for Disability Affairs and Representative in our region. Sometimes I run the half marathon to help raise funds for indigent PWDs who has cancer. But if you ask me if I am busy, I say No for in giving my life to God, I enjoy every moment of it. I have time for everything in my life especially to my family. I got married last 2012 and I am blessed to declare that my wife and her whole family loves me unconditionally including my family. I never doubted God for I always tell everyone that GOD PROVIDES, there is nothing to worry. thou many times I am oppressed and humiliated I know The Lord is making me stronger. Whenever I ask The Lord for something which he knows for my good, he immediately responds. To whatever trials that I have encountered, I never fear because I feel Jesus and Mama Mary is always beside me.

After that operation I underwent more from the shunt revision in 2009 and to my series of operations in 2013 where He told me it was the beginning of his restoration for me. I underwent urinary bladder stone operation, stem cell procedure and two major head surgeries where another VP shunt was inserted and so blessed that finally, the infection on my head was addressed. I will be undergoing physical therapy soon and with great hope that I will walk again. I am very proud of my whole family because in our trials they never gave up and because of our love to each other, we realized our dreams. My eldest brother Rainier is now working as VP in a recruitment company of his wife teaching the OFWs and in an International NGO helping the poor and the cultural minorities, he graduated cum laude in Philosophy and one of my mentor in proclaiming the word. My elder brother Reyson is a license criminology but instead of working as a police officer he chose me and took care of me until I recovered. He is now working in the same recruitment company while his wife is a practicing doctor optometrist. My younger brother Ronald is working in a bank as ATM specialist in RCBC with his wife who is an officer in a branch. 

My youngest brother went out of the seminary and graduated magna cum laude in Philosophy and decided to study law in S an Beda with our full support. He is now a litigation lawyer with her girlfriend who will take the bar exam this year. My fathers pension will resume and they could now enjoy better. I got married in 2012 and was honored and loved by my wife and her whole family. She works as a product manager in BDO. I asked God to give me a way to support my family for I want to be a good provider but since I became paraplegic, and in a third world country like us, it's very difficult to find a job. But you know what Jesus said? Just share our story and I will be surprised. I never thought that I will be able to write our story and soon, I will release my first book. And for the past years The Lord strengthened me to become his Preacher. 

There is one message that he told me on January 2009, he said, " you proved how much we love you, do not fear...and one favor I ask! please put the pendant of Our Mother in the Rosary. I created a rosary bracelet made from semi precious stones for everyone to appreciate our faith and devote in prayers. And as Jesus and Mama Mary loved me, I pray that they love you more. The picture below is my painting which I finished in less than five hours. It was the place where Jesus brought me and amazingly, I painted it with my crippled hand few months after I was discharged in 2002. It will be my great honor if you SHARE THIS STORY to your Timeline, friends, neighbors, officemates, and love ones so they may know the message of God's great HOPE, GOD BLESS;)

Oh Mary, my Mother, conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee.

"Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death."
"Continue to pray the Rosary every day."