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God is stronger than all lightning, all storms and all high waves in our lives. He opened the Red Sea, stopped the plague, cured the sick, gave victories to Those who believe. Be not afraid " pope John Paul 11. Stay within the church. Pray the rosary. Chaplet of mercy Wear the brown scapular confess John 20:21-23 and receive communion. God makes things beautiful in His time. The Eucharist will raise us on the last day John 6:51-56. Keep calm pray the rosary. The Holy Angels come to protect us. EUCHARISTIC Jesus have mercy on us. Angels and Saints pray for us Amen. Jesus is our rock our fortress our beginning and end. He is our Shield for He protects us from the poisonous arrows that fly day and night. He sends Legions of Angels to surround us. Blessed Virgin Mary is the Bright light of dawn. She covers us with her mantle of protection AVE AVE AVE MARIA. SO FULL OF GRACE LUKE 1:28.