Breaking News

Info Post

1. the children who were kidnapped by the Islamist group Boko Haram in Nigeria. We pray that they are released unharmed
2. the Christian pregnant mother who was sentenced to death by a Sudanese court for apostasy. She refused to revert back to Islam. May her strong witness of faith inspire others to live under mercy and charity, and seek the Kingdom of God. 
3. peace between nations, religions, groups, and families. May the Lord bring unity between all individuals and lead us closer to true faith and charity
4. our Christian community, that we may resolve any obstacles which prevent the action of the Spirit within us; let us find strength in God's grace and seek the Lord in prayer with the help of our Blessed Mother.
5. the unity of all Christians under One, Holy, Universal, and Apostolic Church, as founded and ordained by the Lord in the beginning
6. the New Evangelization to renew the faith. We pray especially for the youth who are greatly tempted today by materialism and worldly pleasures
7. may God give perseverance and discernment to students and graduates
8. the people who are separated from the Lord because of sin. Let us pray that they humble themselves and seek divine mercy and love. May the Spirit give them true freedom found only when living for eternal glory with the Lord.
9. the sick, afflicted, and depressed. We pray that by the work of the Spirit, many souls may be renewed and live once again in the joy of God's Kingdom. 
10. for everyone who has requested prayers. We pray that the Lord grants them strength to bear their personal crosses and follow Him humbly towards salvation. May God use our sufferings, pains, and difficulties for the conversion of sinners. We pray that relief is granted to those whom He wills. 
11. the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.
12. a greater devotion to our Blessed Mother, the Rosary, and prayer.

We pray in our homes the Rosary daily at our leisure, but we pray together as a global family in unison every Friday during the Hour of Divine Mercy in Jerusalem 15:00-16:00 (3-4PM). Please check your timezone below. All who are able to attend at this time are invited. We will also pray for your personal intentions, those posted and those which are kept silent in your heart. May the Lord hear our prayers.
15:00 (3PM) Jerusalem, Israel
22:00 (10PM) Sydney, Australia
21:00 (9PM) Tokyo, Japan
20:00 (8PM)Manila,Philippines; KualaLumpur,Malaysia
19:00 (7PM) Jakarta, Indonesia
17:30 (5:30PM) Mumbai, India
16:00 (4PM) Moscow, Russia
15:00 Beirut,Lebanon;Istanbul,Turkey;Nairobi,Kenya
14:00 (2PM) Warsaw, Poland; Rome, Italy
13:00 (1PM) Lagos, Nigeria; London, UK
12:00 (12PM) Reykjavik, Iceland
09:00 (9AM) Rio de Janiero, Brazil
08:00 (8AM) New York, USA
07:00 (7AM) Chicago, USA
06:00 (6AM) Edmonton, Canada
05:00 (5AM) Los Angeles, USA