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Tell the truth ! Truth is like a live coal that even if you hide it under a thick hay the smoke of truth will come out. Had the apostles kept their mouth shut for the time of Jesus we don't know the truth. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and truth. The truth is Jesus left the seven Holy Sacraments to the church and appointed ministers Jesus to Peter to the 266th pope bishops and priests. Matthew 16:16-19. The Brown scapular and the Rosary given by the blessed Mother will lead us to the Eucharist where the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus are present. The church forgives sins although they are scarlet red John 20:21-24. St. Michael is attentive at the command of the Queen of Angels. She will lead us to Jesus our Light and Salvation. We will be Raised on the last day if we receive the Eucharist with reverence John 6:51-55. EUCHARISTIC Jesus have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary Angels and Saints pray for us Amen.