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Dear friends, we are delighted today celebrating the memory of our dear Saint John Paul II. Let them own liturgical texts today (Source: Source: congregation for the worship of God and the discipline of the sacraments), So that the priests can celebrate the mass and the faithful can pray with the prayers proposals, and reflect reading the homily with which San Juan Pablo II began his pontificate on 22 October 1978.


The common of pastors: for a pope.

Prayer collection

Oh God, rich in mercy,
You've wanted to st John Paul II, Pope,
Lead your whole church,
We ask you to, instructed by his teachings,
Grant us confidently open our hearts
The Saving Grace of Christ, the only redeemer of man.
He, who lives and reigns.



The common of pastors: for a pope.

First Reading: is 52, 7-10: "you will see the ends of the earth, the victory of our god".

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger...

Responsorial Psalm: Sal 96 (95), 1-2 a. 2 b-3. 7-8 a. 10

R /. (3): Count the wonders of the Lord to all nations

Hallelujah: Jn 10, 14: I am the good shepherd

- says the Lord -

I know my sheep, and mine know me

Gospel: Jn 21, 15-17: "feed my lambs, feed my sheep".

Having Jesus appeared to his disciples, after eating with them, he said to Simon Peter...


Liturgy of the hours

Carlos José Wojtyla was born in wadowic, Poland, the year 1920. Ordained priest and performed his studies of theology in Rome, he returned to his homeland, where he played various tasks and pastoral university.

Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków, happened to be archbishop of that seat in 1964; he participated in the second Vatican Council.

Elected Pope on 16 October 1978, he took the name of John Paul II, distinguished himself by his extraordinary apostolic activity, especially towards families, young people and the sick, and made countless pastoral visits in the whole world.

The most significant fruit which has left a legacy of the church are, among others, his lovely magisterium, the promulgation of the catechism of the Catholic Church and the code of Canon law for the Latin church and for eastern churches.

Died piously in Rome, on 2 April 2005, vigil of Sunday II of Easter, or of the divine mercy.

The common of pastors: for a pope.

Trade of reading

Second reading

The Homily of Saint John Paul II, Pope, at the beginning of his pontificate

(22 October 1978)

Don't be afraid! Open the doors to Christ!

" Pedro came to Rome! What was it that guided him and led to this city, the heart of the Roman Empire, but obedience to the inspiration received from the Lord? Is it possible that this fisherman from Galilee, I wouldn't have wanted to come up here; that would have preferred to stay there, on the shores of the lake of gennesaret, with his boat, with their networks. But guided by the Lord, obedient to their inspiration, came up here.

According to an ancient tradition during the persecution of Nero, Pedro wanted to leave Rome. But the Lord intervened, I went to the meeting. Peter went to the asking: " quo vadis, Domine?: Where are you going, sir?". And the Lord answered him right away: "I'm going to Rome to be crucified for the second time". Pedro came back to Rome and stayed here until his crucifixion.

Our time invites us, compels us and obliges us to look to the Lord, and to dive in a meditation, humble and devoted about the mystery of the supreme power of the same Christ.

The one that was born of the virgin Mary, the son of the carpenter-as he believed -, The Son of the living God, as he confessed to Pedro, came to make us all "a kingdom of priests".

The Second Vatican Council has reminded us of the mystery of this power, and the fact that the mission of Christ-Priest, Prophet-Master, King-continues in the church. Everyone, all the people of God is part of this threefold mission.

And maybe in the past was placed on the head of the Pope the tiara, that triple crown, to express, by means of such a symbol, the design of the Lord over his church, that is to say, that all the pecking order of the church of Christ, His whole "Sacred" power exercised in her isn't something else that the service, service, which has a single objective: to all the people of God to participate in this threefold mission of Christ and stay always under the power of the Lord, which has its Origin not in the powers of this world, but in the heavenly father and in the mystery of the cross and the resurrection.

The absolute power and also sweet and gentle of mr responds to the depths of man, to its highest aspirations of the intelligence, the will and the heart. This power does not speak with a language of force, but that is expressed in the charity, and in the truth.

The new successor of Peter in the seat of Rome elevates today a devout prayer, humble and confident: Oh Christ! Do I become a server, and it is, your one and only power! Servant of your sweet power! Servant of your power which knows no twilight! Make me to be a servant! Moreover, servant of your servants.

Brothers and sisters! Don't be afraid to accept Christ and accept his power!

Help the Pope and to all those who want to serve Christ and, with the power of Christ, serve the man and the whole of humanity!

Fear not! Open up, better yet, open wide the doors to Christ! Open up to your power Savior the confines of the states, economic systems and politicians, the extensive areas of culture. Of civilization and development. Don't be afraid! Christ knows "What's inside of man". Only knows him!

Often the modern man doesn't know what's inside, deep into his mind, his heart. Many times it feels insecure about the meaning of his life in this world. It feels invaded by doubt that transforms into despair. Allow me therefore-I beg you, I beg you, with humility and with confidence-allow Christ speaks to the man. Only has the words of life, yes, of eternal life!".


R /. Don't be afraid: The Redeemer of man has revealed the power of the cross and has given his life for us. * open wide the doors to Christ.

V /. We are called in the church to participate in his power. * Open.


Oh God, rich in mercy, that you've wanted to st John Paul II, Pope, lead your whole church, we ask you to, instructed by his teachings, grant us confidently open our hearts to the saving grace of Christ, the only redeemer of man. He, who lives and reigns.

SOURCE : Español