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For the past 5 years Divine Television has been telecasting 24 hours of commercial-free Catholic Gospel programmes in UK, Europe, the Middle East, USA, Canada and recently India., It is available on the Internet as DVNOnline TV in EVERY country around the world. Divine's HEALING ADORATION can be viewed online weekly on 

In this episode, BREATHE UPON US -HEALING ADORATION is conducted by Fr. Michael Payyapilly V.C. - Asst. Director, Divine Retreat Centre, Kerala, India. Fr. Michael shares that "Every moment of healing is also a result of faith...There is nothing in particular we have to do apart from fixing our eyes on Jesus." 

"HEALING ADORATION " is a weekly 60-min TV programme conducted by the Director or Asst. Director of Divine Retreat Centre and produced by Divine Vision - the media wing of Divine Television Ministry.

Divine Retreat Centre is the largest Catholic retreat centre in the world. Retreats are held every week of the year in English and 6 Indian languages. 

Over 10 million people have attended retreats here since the Divine-Potta ministry by the Fathers of Vincentian Congregation of India opened Divine Retreat Centre in late December 1989.